GIR100 commented that “Miami-based firm Diaz Reus & Targ is skilled in representing Latin American individuals and companies that are caught in the crosshairs of US enforcement investigations. As such, the firm is currently defending an individual in the DOJ’s wide-ranging FIFA bribery investigation and a former Venezuelan diplomat accused of money laundering by two US state authorities.”
Global Investigations Review is a London-based publication offering daily news, analysis and live events focusing on the law and practice of international investigations. In early 2015, GIR acquired Just Anti-Corruption, an online news service based in Washington, DC, focusing on the law and practice surrounding the FCPA and similar anti-bribery laws around the world.
Diaz, Reus & Targ, LLP operates on five continents, across 21 offices in key business centers, offering a global practice centered around national and transnational parallel proceedings and transactions in the following broad areas: sovereign, trade, commerce, finance, and fraud; civil litigation and arbitration; asset identification, location, tracing and recovery; white collar crime, regulatory, and criminal investigations and defense in matters of corruption, bribery, money laundering, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, OFAC, Specially Designated Nationals, and the Bank Secrecy Act; and politically sensitive investigations including the recovery of U.S. immigration status and visas. The firm is headquartered in Miami, Florida.
Media Contact:
Marta Colomar-Garcia, Administrative Managing Partner
+ 1 305-375-9220