David Kock expands Diaz Reus law firm to The Netherlands

In a recent interview, lawyer David Kock revealed the details of an expansion to the Netherlands, emphasizing the importance of not being afraid to take big steps. Kock mentioned that after successfully establishing in the U.S. and Colombia and having a solid representation in Aruba, the decision to expand the law firm to the Netherlands was a logical step given his vision and the opportunities the market offers.

Kock highlighted the significant amount of business and traffic between the Netherlands and the United States, noting the absence of a local Diaz Reus establishment before this new opening. “Diaz Reus was very interested in having an office in the Netherlands,” he explained. “Because of our cooperation as the local partner for Diaz Reus on the Dutch islands in the Caribbean, with these offices in The Hague, this new door opens regarding anything to do with American law and business. But also, Dutch businesses or anything that is needed from the Dutch side in the US.”