Born and raised in Houston, I have been practicing law for the past 26 years. I attended law school at St. Mary´s University in San Antonio, Texas, graduating in 1995, and later completed post-graduate education in international trade and taxation at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, in Mexico, ultimately earning a masters degree in business administration from the University of Texas – Pan American. Fluent in Spanish, I am a member of the College of the State Bar of Texas and also a licensed US Customs Broker. Since 2005, I have maintained a private, cross-border US/Mexico legal practice and consultancy, currently working from Houston and Laredo, in Texas, and Monterrey, in Mexico, which is my adopted hometown. Based on a lifelong fascination with the social and economic dynamics of the 2000-mile shared border of the USA and Mexico, my law practice is focused on cross-border trade and investment, litigation, and international telecommunications.
DRT Alliance Attorney Highlight: Greg Ahlgren