Health officials recommend social distancing as one effective measure to control the spread of COVID-19. We therefore perfectly understand any concerns you may have about attending in-person meetings, whether in our office or elsewhere, and are happy to arrange alternative means of communicating. Please let us know if you prefer to meet by telephone, Skype, WhatsApp, or by other means, and we will coordinate.
As always, during these trying times, we stand ready to address your shifting needs. DRT’s specialist teams around the globe, including our cross-border compliance, dispute resolution, intellectual property, and corporate practices, are diligently attuned to whatever collateral concerns you may have, whether they pertain to liability exposure, labor and employment issues, risk mitigation, ensuring compliance with evolving health and safety requirements and travel restrictions, or anything else.
In the meantime, we have appointed one or more DRT partners in each region of our practice to be available to address any issues that may arise during the COVID-19 outbreak. They are:
1. US EST:
· Michael Diaz: mdiaz@diazreus.com
· Marta Colomar: mcolomar@diazreus.com
· Brant C. Hadaway: bhadaway@diazreus.com
2. US PST:
· Ken Linzer: klinzer@diazreus.com
3. Russia:
· Massimiliano Ballotta: mballotta@diazreus.com
4. China and East Asia:
· Xingjian “Jeff” Zhao: xzhao@diazreus.com
5. South America:
· Ricardo Abdala: rabdala@diazreus.com
6. Caribbean:
· Jose A. Rizek: jrizek@diazreus.com
7. Middle East:
· Basheer Abu Awwad: bawwad@diazreus.com
8. Europe:
· Eliseo Martinez: emartinez@diazreus.com
9. Central America:
· Juan Sebastian Soto: jssoto@diazreus.com
10. Africa:
· Yamkela Makupula: ymakupula@diazreus.com
Thank you for entrusting us with your business. We are grateful for our relationships and hope that this situation remedies itself swiftly without any impacts to the health of your teams and your business.