Representative Matters

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Successfully protecting the international design patent and trademark rights of multiple U.S. and other foreign companies in China from multiple infringers through legal action and coordinated anti-counterfeiting measures with pertinent private and public authorities (including Alibaba).

– Representing multiple U.S. and other foreign companies in successfully combating pervasive “trademark squatters” who seek to preempt the registration of certain globally-renowned trademarks in China before the Trademark Office of China’s State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

– Represent Chinese goods manufacturers for alleged trademark violations.

Investigating and prosecuting intellectual property rights and trademark violations in Costa Rica and Venezuela on behalf of a U.S. subsidiary of Japan-based manufacturer of high-end office equipment.

Representing victim of theft and conversion of intellectual-technology-based property rights by Florida-based corporation.

Successfully represent BenQ/Siemens in a copyright infringement seizure case against Brazilian manufacturer and U.S. distributors of counterfeit cellphones in collaboration with U.S. Marshal’s Service in Boston and Miami.

Successfully defended Pro-Bowl NFL client against NFL team in $3.5 million dollars reimbursable breach claim.