Lynne Brooks
Investigator & Business Intelligence Consultant
Lynne Brooks has 30 years law enforcement experience including criminal investigations in the areas of Robbery, Burglary, Cargo Theft, Auto Theft, Money Laundering, Sexual Battery, Undercover, Special Investigations and Airport / Seaport Operations and Surveillance. Her experience includes working with Federal agencies and Task Forces. Lynne was also assigned to Multi Agency Task forces, including HIDTA, Customs and DEA. She was a supervisor for 16 years and received numerous commendations and awards from the public and private sectors.
Lynne has been a Private Investigator since 2012 and currently holds State of Florida Private Investigator Class A, C, and G licenses, as well as a Federal Firearms License. She maintains her relationships with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies and the local and state attorney offices. Lynne’s experience, communication, and organizational skills, as well as her relationships with agencies and individuals make her an effective liaison and investigator for the client and the firm.