By Michael Diaz, Jr., Marta Colomar-Garcia, Brant C. Hadaway, Gary E. Davidson, Xingjian “Jeff” Zhao, Javier Coronado, Zhen Pan.
Introduction and Summary of Pending Class Action Cases
In recent weeks, at...
“Providing the vaccine to only a small number of relatively well-off South Africans serves no real purpose”, writes Yamkela Makupula, CEO of Diaz Reus Africa.
The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York has announced that jury trials can resume on Wednesday, Sept. 23 as part of phase three of their phased...
Tomás Villatoro, socio de Ius + Aequitas en España, despacho miembro de DRT International Law Firm & Alliance, considera que gracias a su estructura organizativa han sido capaces de superar...
By Kenneth A. Linzer and Frances Strnad, from Linzer Law Group, a member of DRT International Law Firm & Alliance in Los Angeles, CA. "The novel coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic...
En las últimas semanas, se han presentado al menos cuatro demandas colectivas en los tribunales de distrito federales de los Estados Unidos contra el gobierno de la República Popular de...
On February 26th, 2020, the first case of Covid 19 in Latin America was detected in Sao Pablo, Brazil. Countries throughout the region reacted by implementing a wide range of...
The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic crisis have led to an unprecedented assertion of power by governments across Latin America and the world...
In recent weeks, at least seven class action lawsuits have been filed in federal district courts
throughout the United States against the government of the People’s Republic of China (the
“P.R.C.” or...
Yamkela Makupula, CEO of Diaz Reus Africa: Earlier that year, the country had been facing a number of political and economic crises which weighed heavily on our investor confidence...
Detecting, preventing, and reporting COVID-19-related scams and illicit activity is critical to our national security, safeguarding legitimate relief efforts, and protecting innocent people from harm...
Watch the recorded webinar, with panelists Marta Colomar-Garcia, George Diaz and Javier Coronado, to get an overview of the trends of COVID-19-related fraud identified by U.S. and foreign Government agencies,...
SABC News.
Yamkela Makupula, CEO of Diaz Reus Africa, explains what African companies and countries need to do to seize opportunities in this global pandemic crisis.
Webinar impartido por Tomás Villatoro y Pablo Martínez Varela, Socios de Ius + Aequitas, miembro de DRT International Law Firm & Alliance en Madrid, España, organizado por la Cámara de Comercio España-Brasil
A través de este webinar, organizado por FEVITUR -Federación Española de Asociaciones de Viviendas y Apartamentos Turísticos- , se pretende hacer una primera aproximación a los sistemas legalmente establecidos por la...
DRT handled 8 class actions against Argentina for many years. It looks like others are coming down the pipeline.
Information: Marta Colomar-Garcia - - Tel: +1 305 375 9220DRT ya...
DRT colleague, client, close friend and collaborator Roberto Arguello provides guidance for mortgage forebearance relief under the CARES Act.El colega, cliente, amigo cercano y colaborador de DRT, Roberto Arguello proporciona...
In the time since COVID-19 global pandemic has hit the United States over the last month, the U.S. economy has shut down. Part of that shutdown has led to the...
DRT has successfully secured funding through the PPP program for its firm clients and is working with suppliers to deliver Covid equipment and supplies to needy individuals, local, state and...
By Ricardo Abdala, Founding Partner of Abdala & Cía., member of DRT International Law Firm & Alliance in Chile.Por Ricardo Abdala, Socio de Abdala & Cía., miembro de DRT International...
Para muchas personas el comienzo del mes es un punto de referencia para pagar sus facturas. Sin embargo, la crisis del Coronavirus, como bien sabemos, nos ha puesto todo al...
Under the CARES Act, a small business can receive financial assistance by obtaining a loan under the Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) or by obtaining an Economic Injury Disaster Loan (“EIDL”)....
For many, the beginning of the month is a benchmark to pay their bills. However, the coronavirus has flipped the world as we all know it upside down. Diaz Reus...
The Small Business Administration along with the U.S. Department of the Treasury recently determined the dates that eligible businesses are able to apply for loans under the Paycheck Protection Program....
The outbreak of Coronavirus is having a significant impact of the global economy, as it has severely disrupted the demand-and-supply balance of the world and continues to paralyse businesses and...
Due to the Emergency condition declaration and the suspension of all private and public economic activities, with the exception of the ones that are related to health and primary needs,...
This short article reviews weather it is possible to qualify the spread of the Coronavirus infection, and the introduction of related restrictive measures by Russian authorities, as Force Majeure circumstances...
The Florida Department of State has extended the timeline for filing corporate annual reports until June 30, 2020:
Pursuant to Executive Order No. 20-52 and Department of State Emergency Order 2020-01,...
By Nicholas Bangos, Of Counsel with Diaz Reus in Miami.
"Without this relief, many small businesses would find themselves unable to navigate through Chapter 11 due to the costs and complexity...
Today, the President signed into law the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (“Cares Act”), which provides non-recourse loans of up to $10,000,000.00 for eligible businesses which continued to...
Javier Coronado, Abogado Asociado en Diaz Reus Bogotá: “Desafortunadamente, los criminales ven la emergencia internacional causada por el nuevo coronavirus como una oportunidad para aprovecharse de sus víctimas”.
Each passing day of the COVID-19 pandemic brings new challenges, with government officials saying it could be, at best, months before we return to normalcy. Each passing day of...
On March 16, 2020, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“¨FinCEN”) of the U.S. Department of the Treasury issued a public statement warning financial institutions about “illicit behavior connected to COVID-19.”...
As the COVID-19 continues to make headlines and affect our daily lives and schedules, we wanted to reassure you that we are taking measures to protect our clients and employees...