о нас

Примеры представительства

Практика Диаз Ройс охватывает весь земной шар – от США до Латинской Америки и Карибских островов, от Европы до Ближнего Востока и Азии.

В команду Диаз, Ройс & Тарг входят бывшие представители полиции и агенты ФБР, а также юристы, имеющие богатый опыт консультирования по вопросам должностных преступлений. Таким образом, выбор компании очевиден для должностных лиц в затруднительном положении.”

- GIR 100

Резонансные дела.

 Наша международная многоязычная команда юристов из разных стран успешно представляет клиентов в очень сложных судебных процессах, нестандартных, создающих прецеденты вопросах, а также бизнес сделках. Очень сильная и опытная международная команда Диаз Ройс помогает корпоративным, государственным и частным клиентам успешно, рентабельно и эффективно осуществлять бизнес в мировом масштабе.

Diaz Reus successfully represented 30 American automobile dealerships in two parallel actions filed in the United States District Court for Northern District of Georgia and in Georgia State Court in Fulton County, Georgia, seeking damages resulting from Mahindra and Mahindra USA’s failure to certify and import its light trucks and SUVs from India into the United States, which caused Plaintiffs to suffer substantial damages. Claims included fraud, negligent misrepresentation, fraudulent inducement, tortious interference, unjust enrichment, civil conspiracy, negligence, violation of the federal automobile dealers act, and violations of 17 state “dealer day in court” laws. Mahindra Diaz Reus represents bondholders against the Republic of Argentina, which defaulted on its sovereign debt in 2001. Plaintiffs settled their class action lawsuits against Argentina. The class actions involved holders of approximately US $700 million of defaulted Argentine bonds. Seijas, et al. v. The Republic
of Argentina:
Diaz Reus successfully represented 30 American automobile dealerships in two parallel actions filed in the United States District Court for Northern District of Georgia and in Georgia State Court in Fulton County, Georgia, seeking damages resulting from Mahindra and Mahindra USA’s failure to certify and import its light trucks and SUVs from India into the United States, which caused Plaintiffs to suffer substantial damages. Claims included fraud, negligent misrepresentation, fraudulent inducement, tortious interference, unjust enrichment, civil conspiracy, negligence, violation of the federal automobile dealers act, and violations of 17 state “dealer day in court” laws. Mahindra Diaz Reus represents a media rights company executive in a criminal indictment in connection with the ongoing FIFA soccer corruption scandal. Through its efforts, Diaz Reus negotiated a resolution of the criminal case. FIFA Diaz Reus successfully represented 30 American automobile dealerships in two parallel actions filed in the United States District Court for Northern District of Georgia and in Georgia State Court in Fulton County, Georgia, seeking damages resulting from Mahindra and Mahindra USA’s failure to certify and import its light trucks and SUVs from India into the United States, which caused Plaintiffs to suffer substantial damages. Claims included fraud, negligent misrepresentation, fraudulent inducement, tortious interference, unjust enrichment, civil conspiracy, negligence, violation of the federal automobile dealers act, and violations of 17 state “dealer day in court” laws. Mahindra Diaz Reus successfully represented Mexican citizen and businessman John Freddy Cuellar Silva, who was listed by the US Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) on its SDN list for links to Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman as a partner and financial front-man. Diaz Reus successfully de-listed and removed Cuellar Silva from the OFAC list. El Chapo Diaz Reus successfully represented 30 American automobile dealerships in two parallel actions filed in the United States District Court for Northern District of Georgia and in Georgia State Court in Fulton County, Georgia, seeking damages resulting from Mahindra and Mahindra USA’s failure to certify and import its light trucks and SUVs from India into the United States, which caused Plaintiffs to suffer substantial damages. Claims included fraud, negligent misrepresentation, fraudulent inducement, tortious interference, unjust enrichment, civil conspiracy, negligence, violation of the federal automobile dealers act, and violations of 17 state “dealer day in court” laws. Mahindra Diaz Reus represents former Honduran President candidate, lawyer, banker and high-powered businessman Yani Rosenthal in federal court in the Southern District of New York, where he was charged with various counts of money laundering. Diaz Reus successfully negotiated a resolution of Mr. Rosenthal’s case, including a dismissal of the more serious money laundering charges in exchange for a plea of guilty to reduced charges. Diaz Reus is in the process of securing Mr. Rosenthal’s removal from the US Treasury’s OFAC list. Rosenthal Diaz Reus successfully represented 30 American automobile dealerships in two parallel actions filed in the United States District Court for Northern District of Georgia and in Georgia State Court in Fulton County, Georgia, seeking damages resulting from Mahindra and Mahindra USA’s failure to certify and import its light trucks and SUVs from India into the United States, which caused Plaintiffs to suffer substantial damages. Claims included fraud, negligent misrepresentation, fraudulent inducement, tortious interference, unjust enrichment, civil conspiracy, negligence, violation of the federal automobile dealers act, and violations of 17 state “dealer day in court” laws. Mahindra Diaz Reus represented CGV Ferrominera Orinoco C.A. (FMO), an organ of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in a Rule B maritime attachment action before the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York and in six arbitration forums in the US and Europe. The case involved complex issues of sovereign immunity and maritime jurisdiction. Ferrominera

Примеры резонансных дел

Преступления белых воротничков, правительственные санкции

53 случаи

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Мошенничество, кибербезопасность и возвращение активов.

5 случаи

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Регуляторные и корпоративные расследования, корпоративное управление и соблюдение нормативных требований

7 случаи

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12 случаи

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Судебный процесс

18 случаи

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Корпоративные и коммерческие сделки

11 случаи

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6 случаи

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Товарные знаки / Интеллектуальная собственность

5 случаи

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семейное право

2 случаи

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права человека

2 случаи

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Недвижимое имущество

2 случаи

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Закон о спорте и развлечениях

5 случаи

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